Biotechnological solutions for the degradation of synthetic polymeric materials
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BIOCLEAN at the Mikroplastik conference in Cologne
Webinar on Future Solutions for Marine Litter and Waste management
Who is the consortium
BIOCLEAN includes 19 partners...
Who is the consortium
Stakeholders Advisory Board
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Who is the consortium
Stakeholders Advisory Board
National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center
The Center carries out research and analysis on environmental quality monitoring techniques and compiles reports on the status of China's environment and on major pollution sources.
- China
Tongji University State Key Lab. Of pollution Control and Resource Reuse
The Lab carries out research and analysis on environmental quality monitoring techniques and compiles reports on the status of China's environment and on major pollution sources. It also offer expertise on the field of degradation and reuse/exploitation of a variety of solid wastes.
- China
Cefas-The Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science
Cefas is an executive agency of the United Kingdom government Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. It carries out a wide range of research, advisory, consultancy, monitoring and training activities for a large number of customers around the world. They also operate an oceangoing research vessel Cefas Endeavour.
- United Kingdom
Amt für Umwelt und Energie
The institute carries activities on the protection and clean up of water, waste management and valorization, remediation of contaminated sites.
- Switzerland
European Polymer Federation (EPF)
The EPF promote RTD and organizes events to boost the development and scope as well as standard in the polymer research and technology in Europe.
- Italy/Slovenia (secretary)
It is a world leader in the production of plastics, latex and rubber. A new kind of global materials company at the intersection of people, technology and customers.
- The Netherlands
SusChem Italy
The aim of the Italian Platform for Sustainable Chemistry is to create a strategic and intellectual alliance among national companies, research and educational institutions, stakeholders and society active in the filed of sustainable chemistry to provide solutions to critical societal demands, to boost innovation, strengthen competiveness and foster effective public-private partnership in the sector.
- Italy
Institute of Environmental Technologies - VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava
It allows talented engineers in continuing doctoral studies in the field of study „Environmental protection in the industry" and „Thermal technology and fuel in the industry". Centre focuses on specific challenges arising from the specifics of the region, particularly the issue of processing and disposing of waste, solutions to old environmental loads, preparation of business to an IPPC.
- Czech/Prague
Weizmann Institute of Science International
recognized expert of biodiversity in marine ecosystems and of use of marine microbes for industrial applications.
- Israel
SusChem Česká Republika
The aim of the Czech Platform for Sustainable Chemistry is to create a strategic and intellectual alliance among national companies, research and educational institutions, stakeholders and society active in the filed of sustainable chemistry to provide solutions to critical societal demands, to boost innovation, strengthen competiveness and foster effective public-private partnership in the setor.
- Czech Republic
Universidade do Minho
Public collection of a variety of microbes, ranging from bacteria to fungi, obtained from different environment and sources.
- Portugal
Leader European polymer industry in terms of biopolymer production and polymer biodegradation assessment.
- Italy
Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC)
The Coastal & Marine Union is dedicated to conserving and maintaining healthy seas and attractive coasts for both people and nature. EUCC advocates best practice by developing coastal and marine policies, mobilising experts and stakeholders, providing advice and information, and implementing demonstration projects.
- The Netherlands
European Technology Platform (ETP-Suschem)
The European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry seeks to boost chemistry, biotechnology and chemical engineering research, development and innovation in Europe.
- Brussels
Consorzio Italiano Compostatori (CIC)
Association of Italian composting industrie.
- Italy
DDS Verko, Dendermonde, Belgium
Leader company in biowaste composting and anaerobic digesting.
- Belgium
Intercommunale Vereniging Hooge Maey Landfill Hooge Maey
Antwerp, Belgium -
IGEAN milieu & veiligheid Facility
hosting several Anaerobic digestors used for disposing solid wastes also containing plastics.
- Belgium
VEOLIA Environment
Multinational French company with activities in four main services and utility areas traditionally managed by public authorities - water supply and water management, waste management, energy and transport services.
- France
Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico
Department for Industrial Policy - Italian Ministry of Economic Development
- Italy
- chemical subsidiary of Eni - is interfacing with markets through globally-oriented strategies and a market-driven product portfolio. It leads the industry in manufacturing intermediates, polyethylene, styrenics and elastomers, a business that positions the company as a worldwide leader. The company is strongly focusing on research and industrial projects in the growing green chemicals and polymers sector.
- Italy