Organic Waste Systems (OWS) is a stock company under Belgian law, constituted in 1988. The company is mainly active in following areas: the area of engineering, construction and operation of composting and bio-gasification plants, the area of biodegradation and composting laboratory testing and the area of waste management consulting services. OWS developed the anaerobic Dranco-process to treat several types of waste streams. In the last years OWS also offers processes for energy crops, namely Dranco-Farm and BES reactor types. OWS has experience with the digestion of several types of waste, energy crops, manure and industrial side streams. Moreover the OWS contract research laboratory division has a longstanding experience in assessing the biodegradability, compostability and ecotoxicity of polymers, lubricants, paper products, chemicals, and other materials. OWS is recognized as testing lab on compostability by certification institutes in Europe (Din Certco, Vinçotte) and world-wide (BPI (USA), ABA (Australia) ,…). OWS is involved in the development of test procedures (and international standards) to evaluate the biodegradation of materials under different environments (compost, soil, anaerobic, water). OWS was, and still is, very actively involved in various standardisation committees and standardisation projects. |