Biotech research news


BIOCLEAN is a European Funded Project under the FP7 programme. BIOCLEAN includes 19 partners from nine different and widely distributed European Countries and one from China. The Project includes different organisation types, namely: Universities, Research Institutes, SMEs, a multi-municipality (DEDISA), one enterprise (MMB) and the Association of European plastic producers (PlasticsEurope).


Biodegradation of synthetic plastics can occur in nature, in sediments and marine environments as well as in landfills, compost and soil. The process is governed by the polymer characteristics, the organisms available and the surrounding environmental conditions. However, the knowledge on the biodegradation of major synthetic polymers is still very limited and fragmented. BIOCLEAN strategy is aimed at deepening the scientific understanding on the biodegradation of such materials in natural environments and waste disposing facilities and exploring the feasibility of biotechnological solutions for the effective and sustainable disposal of plastic waste. In particular, the consortium will focus on PVC, Polystyrene, Polypropylene and Polyethylene. Keeping the oceans clean is so important for all the marine life that lives there — from fish and crabs, to the mystical mermaid! Familiarize yourself with the beautiful creatures here


BIOCLEAN intends to find smart and robust biotechnological solutions for the degradation and detoxification of:

  • Plastic waste existing landfills
  • Plastic fragments entering waste composting and anaerobic digestors
  • Plastic fragments occurring in marine habitats, thus contributing to mitigate the current impact of plastics in marine ecosystems.


September 2012- September 2015